Maple End-of-Life Notice

The time has come for LeafLabs to officially end-of-life the Maple product line. We know this will come as disappointing news for many of you, but the STM32 market these days is full of other options for the intrepid developer, and we can’t justify the resources necessary to support Maple in the way it and the community deserve.

As always, the design files for Maple and Maple Mini will remain available on GitHub, under a CC-BY-SA 2.0 license, for anyone who wants to recreate or reimagine these boards. libmaple will also stay on GitHub, and we will continue to take community patches. We will continue hosting the forums and the docs as well.

We here at LeafLabs sincerely appreciate all the time, effort, enthusiasm, and creativity you guys have contributed to Maple over the past five years. It’s been a great run, folks.

Keep on hacking.