LeafLabs at the Society for Neuroscience

LeafLabs recently exhibited the Willow System at the Society for Neuroscience's Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C.  Our collaborators at the Ed Boyden Lab were there as well with the following posters: 

Boyden, E.S. : 655.19-Tu & 659.03-Tu

Kinney, J.P. : 659.05-Tu

Moore-Kochlacs: 659.05-Tu

Scholvin, J.S. : 659.03-Tu, 659.05-Tu  

Also at SFN were our friends at Intan and Kendall Research Systems.  Research for Willow is supported by the National Institute of Mental Health of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number R43MH101943. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health. 

Jess and Andrew at the LeafLabs booth

Jess and Andrew at the LeafLabs booth

Willow traveling cases

Willow traveling cases

hris assembling Willow

hris assembling Willow

he Willow System (probes in cases)

he Willow System (probes in cases)

Jess + Oculus Rift

Jess + Oculus Rift